About.com has suggestions for helping save on the cost of diapers, including how to calculate the best deal. You can even have diapers (and other items) delivered directly to your door at places like diapers.com. If you go through ebates.com you can get extra savings (as en example, ebates connects you to diapers.com and you get rebate credits for your purchases). There are other sites similar to this one as well. Feel free to share your bargain tips in comments (below the post). Other specialty sites like diapers4less.com, diapersdiscounted.com, diapersite.com, diapersetc.com sell diapers online, as well as amazon.com and drugstore.com. However, when figuring the PDC for products at these sites, factor in the cost of shipping. Sometimes shipping is free with a minimum purchase. Membership club (Costco, Sam's) prices may also be very competitive, especially when they have coupon promotions.
Be sure to watch your ads and flyers for Walgreens and other stores which often promote diapers.
Print your Huggies coupons from here. If you have any Target coupons from their ad inserts, Target will accept one manufacturer's coupon and one Target coupon per item so that can save you lots of money. Freebies 2 Deals says about the Huggies deal, "Total cost as low as $5.99 per pack, plus get a $5.00 Gift Card" You can also sign up for email alerts on shopping deals on that blog.
Cloth diapers or diaper service may be high at the outset, but cost-effective over the long haul. Compare all options to find your greatest savings.
I was able to print the coupon but haven't tried the other suggestions here. If you have experience with this, please share with the other moms here. These days bargain shopping is very chic!
Also - a salmonella warning on sausage and salami (you don't want this!) http://www.emergencyemail.org/newsemergency/anmviewer.asp?a=465&z=43
7 years ago
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